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Nov 17, 2020 by |

Alameda County and California Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Exploitation Of Seniors Surging


Incidents Of Financial Elder Abuse Up

Complexity Of Cases Grows Too

How Elder Abuse Counsel Can Help 

Some regions of the United States are reporting over 100% increases in incidents of reported financial exploitation of seniors.  Elder advocates estimate that roughly only 1 in 14 cases of financial elder abuse is ever reported, so the real increase is likely much greater.  The complexity of financial elder abuse cases has increased as well; financial predators from caregivers to insurance agents and financial advisors create fraudulent schemes designed to prevent detection through online transactions, identity theft, and complicated new trust arrangements to cover up theft and abuse.  These maneuvers make it hard to trace abusive tactics without professional help. That’s where the elder abuse attorneys at Evans Law Firm, Inc. can help.  If you or a loved one have been the victim of any kind of financial elder abuse in Alameda County or elsewhere in California, call us today at (415)441-8669. 

Examples of Financial Exploitation

Some financial elder abuse is obvious: stealing cash or forging checks or unauthorized use credit cards, for example.  But other, more sophisticated schemes may be harder to detect and untangle.  For example, a caregiver with internet access and a senior’s bank account information may be able to transfer money electronically and cancel paper statements.  Or a caregiver may get a senior to name them as pay on death beneficiary on financial accounts or life insurance that is only discovered after the senior has died and thus be difficult to rescind without counsel’s help.  Finally, the financial abuser may have led the senior to create wholly new Trust or Will arrangements (favoring them against the family) and these arrangements may only be undone by timely court action.

Elder Counsel Can Help

Whatever kind of abuse you or an elderly loved one may have suffered, experienced elder abuse litigators can help you pursue those responsible.  Our attorneys have many years of experience in investigating financial elder abuse, tracing the money taken, and initiate a lawsuit against all persons responsible for the abuse.  We seek all available remedies for aggrieved seniors, which in California for financial elder abuse cases can include recovery of attorneys’ fees and expenses.  If you suspect any kind of abuse act quickly by reaching out to counsel because cases have varying statutes of limitations depending on the claims involved and you do not want to be out of time to pursue your claims.

Contact Us

Ingrid M. Evans and the other elder abuse attorneys at Evans Law Firm, Inc. handle all manner of elder abuse cases including complicated financial cases or cases where a Trust or Will contest may be required.  There are limited time periods to bring many cases and for some other strict procedural steps to follow or the case is lost.  Our lawyers know this area of the law from years of litigation practice and will pursue all persons and businesses responsible for any abuse and seek all available remedies.  If you or a loved one has been the victim of financial elder abuse here in Alameda County or elsewhere in California, call us at (415) 441-8669, or email us at

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