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Mar 28, 2016 by |

Contra Costa Whistleblower Attorney: IRS Whistleblowers


IRS Whistleblowers Protection

Currently, IRS whistleblowers don’t have a legal protection against retaliation even though this protection exists under other whistleblower award programs. Without protection against retaliation, whistleblowers may face physical harm or damages to economic interests. But in most cases, they could lose their job because they revealed to authorities violations of tax laws executed by their company.

For this reason ,California IRS whistleblower attorneys and the IRS Whistleblower Office have called on Congress to provide a legal protection to whistleblowers against retaliations. Moreover, the Office expects that with this protection, there will be more disclosure from whistleblowers of violations of tax laws.

However, in a few cases, even a whistleblower who reported tax fraud or tax underpayment can be protected against retaliation by others acts like the Sarbanes-Oxley Act or the Dodd-Frank Act. A California qui tam attorney should be able to advise you about whistleblowing.

If you know of any fraud carried out by a company against the government, contact the Evans Law Firm in California at (415) 441-8669, or by email at Evans Law Firm handles qui tam and whistleblower cases, as well as financial and physical elder abuse and nursing home abuse, healthcare, insurance, annuity, and banking fraud.

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