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Mar 22, 2016 by |

Alameda Elder Abuse Attorney: Definition of Elder Abuse


Elder Abuse: National Uniform Definition

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) published national definitions for the various aspects of elder abuse: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and financial abuse. This report has the advantage of listing all the terms about elder abuse and to create a uniform definition for professionals, authorities, judges, lawyers and victims.

Furthermore, this report is timely because lately in California we count an increased number of elder abuse complaints. This is explained by the baby boomers retiring now and they are the perfect target for fraudsters, especially in annuity and life insurance products. By creating a standardized code for elder abuse, it is possible to California annuity and elder abuse attorney to more easily address and understand these issues.

However, authorities report that most of the abusers are member family or friends of the victims. At the same time, they say that for every one case reported, five are not. Because most victims may not want to report a family member or their only caregiver, and they may fear retaliation. Moreover, many of the victims have lost some of their cognitive ability to decide, or die before the authorities are informed about the abuse.

If you know of any elder abuse or fraud, or others, contact the Evans Law Firm at (415) 441-8669, or by email at < href=""> Evans Law Firm has a California elder abuse attorney who handle financial and physical elder abuse and nursing home abuse, as well as qui tam and whistleblower cases, healthcare, insurance, annuity, and banking fraud.

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