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Yearly Archives: 2024

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse By Caregivers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Case Example Forged Checks Alleged Preventing Financial Elder Abuse Financial elder abuse is a tragic and enormous problem in this country.  Older persons lose more than $3 billion annually as a result of financial elder abuse, according to FBI and National Institute of Justice statistics. The true figure […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Man Arrested, Charged With Exploiting 95-Year-Old Out Of At Least $50,000

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Abuser Opened Joint Bank Account With VIctim Abuser Allegedly Withdrew 100% of Funds In Four Months Protecting Older Loved Ones Seniors are at risk of being financially exploited from many directions, including at the hands of dishonest in-home caregivers, stepchildren, second spouses, “friends” and others.  The methods for […]

Jun 4, 2024 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco False Claims Act Whistleblower Attorney: Physician’s Whistleblowing Leads To $4 Million False Claims Act Settlement Over Kickback Allegations

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Formerly Employed Physician Blows Whistle Allegations Of Kickbacks And Unnecessary Testing Starting A False Claims Qui Tam Case Healthcare providers in the U.S., including hospitals and clinics, are subject to a number of statutes to prevent any fraudulent billing under government programs like Medicare and Medicaid.  One important […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Financial Power Of Attorney Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 82-Year-Old Victim POA Allegedly Transferred Thousands To His Own Accounts Remedies For Injured Seniors Financial powers of attorney (POAs) grant full authority over a person’s financial affairs, and medical powers of attorney, known in California as an Advance Health Care Directives (AHCDs), grant authority over medical decisions and […]

Jun 1, 2024 - Annuities by |

Marin Annuity Attorney: Seniors And Deferred Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Deferred Annuity Downsides For Seniors Costly Exits Administration Fees, Participation Rates And Caps Whenever an insurance agent or financial advisor of any kind suggests an indexed annuity for you, be wary, especially if you are retired or nearing retirement.  Indexed annuities, like most deferred annuities, impose penalties, known […]

San Francisco Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Relative Of Elderly California Millionaire Allegedly Murdered By Caregiver Reveals How She Became Target

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Victim Reportedly isolated Herself From Others Reverse Mortgage And Other Tricks Used To Gain Control Victim Estranged From Family At End of Life Many California seniors live in homes whose value has increased enormously over the years at the same time that their income is stagnant.  Some of […]

May 30, 2024 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco False Claims Act Whistleblower Attorney: Whistleblower Exposes Oncology Practice’s Kickback Scheme

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER $4 Million Settlement Formerly Employed Physician Blows Whistle How Qui Tam Cases Work Healthcare providers in the U.S., including hospitals and clinics, are subject to a number of statutes to prevent any fraudulent billing under government programs like Medicare and Medicaid.  One important such law is the Anti-Kickback […]

Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Two Caregivers Arrested For Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Accused Of Stealing Over $35,000 From Elderly Couple Husband And Wife Both Wheelchair-Bound Protecting Older Loved Ones Access to sensitive financial information is fre4quently the means by which dishonest caregivers and others steal from elderly people.  We at Evans Law Firm, Inc. see these kind of financial elder […]

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"We contacted Evans Law Firm when we were unable to collect on a Long-Term Life Insurance policy for an elderly family member. Ingrid responded almost immediately with an offer of a free consultation. I was immediately impressed with her passion for justice!!"
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