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Yearly Archives: 2023

Jun 16, 2023 - Caregiver by |

Los Angeles Nursing Home Abuse Attorney: Nursing Home Aide And Director Arrested For Alleged Elder Abuse And Failure To Report

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Wheelchair-Bound Patient Allegedly Abused Director Accused Of Cover-Up And Failure To Report Victim’s Daughter Notified Authorities Of Alleged Abuse Nursing home residents are almost completely unable to defend themselves against any kind of abuse.  They are usually in a facility precisely because they cannot take care of themselves […]

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney Message For World Elder Abuse Awareness Day: Spotting And Stopping Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Increasing Epidemic Of Financial Elder Abuse World Elder Abuse Awareness Day is June 15.  Established by the World Health Organization some years ago, the international day is intended to increase global awareness of the problem of elder abuse in all its forms.  Financial elder abuse is an […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Warning Signs Of Financial Power Of Attorney Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Spotting Power Of Attorney Abuse How Agents Use POAs To Enrich Themselves Stopping And Suing For POA Abuse A power of attorney is a document authorizing one or more people (“agent(s)” or “attorney(s)-in-fact”)) to act on behalf of another (the “principal”) in financial or medical matters. Financial powers of […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Theft Charges Against Elderly Woman’s Caregiver

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Complaint Alleges Altered Checks And Forgeries Victim’s Account Allegedly Overdrawn By Caregiver’s Fraudulent Checks Unauthorized Debit Card Use Also Alleged We cannot emphasize strongly enough how important it is to keep checks, ATM/Debit cards, and cash away from caregivers or other strangers who enter a senior’s home.  Nor […]

San Diego Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged With Stealing From Elderly Victim

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Unauthorized Debit Card Use Alleged Fraud Stretched To Almost Two Years Accused Of Stealing $30,000 From 76-Year-Old Unauthorized use of credit and debit cards is a prevalent form of financial elder abuse of the elderly.  Dishonest caregivers and others who access a senior’s cards and PIN (or create […]

Jun 9, 2023 - Annuities by |

Sonoma County Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Attorney: Older Consumers Should Think Twice Before Being Sold A Deferred Annuity

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Surrender Penalties On Withdrawals No Flexibility On Investments When Markets Change Commissions, Fees And Caps Diminish Returns Deferred annuities are long-term insurance contracts which require you to lose control over your investment, and some annuities may earn little to no interest.  If you try to exit the annuity […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Sentenced For Theft From Elderly Patient

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Falsifying Paychecks and Time Cards Five-Years Probation And Restitution Pursuing Civil Remedies Cash, checks and credit cards can disappear quickly whenever a dishonest stranger or caregiver enters an elderly person’s home.  It may be a one-time theft or a more sustained theft through writing checks or using credit […]

San Mateo County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Financial Power Of Attorney Abuse Against Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Financial Powers of Attorney Grant Broad Authority How POA Authority Gets Abused Remedies For Injured Seniors Financial powers of attorney (POAs) grant full authority over a person’s financial affairs, and medical powers of attorney, known in California as an Advance Health Care Directives (AHCDs), grant authority over medical […]

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