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Yearly Archives: 2023

Sep 22, 2023 - Uncategorized by |

San Diego Elder Abuse Attorney: Hospice Neglect Leads To Patient’s Premature Death

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Death From Untreated Injuries And Infection Allegations Of Criminal Neglect Sepsis and Gangrene Developed From Untreated Injuries Hospice patients, like skilled nursing facility patients, are at risk of neglect and abuse.  Neglect and abuse may in some cases be attributable to understaffing or unqualified care providers.  In some […]

Sep 21, 2023 - Annuities by |

Hillsborough Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Attorney: Deferred Annuities Are Not Good Choices For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Getting Your Money Back Is Costly Withdrawal Penalties Lock Policyholders In To Investment Strategies Rate Of Return Can Be Very Low Deferred annuities are long-term insurance contracts which require you to lose control over your investment, and some annuities may earn little to no interest.  As an industry […]

Sonoma County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Arrested For Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 81-Year-Old Victim Caregiver Granted Bill-Paying Authority Thousands Allegedly Missing From Victim’s Bank Accounts Most financial elder abuse of older persons at the hands of dishonest caregivers or others starts out relatively small.  The amounts stolen grow over time as the predator gets away with his or her theft.  […]

Santa Clara County Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregivers Who Physically And Financially Abuse Elders And Dependent Adults

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegations Of Physical And Financial Abuse Victim Suffered from ALS Physical Abuse And $4000 Allegedly Stolen Physical and financial elder abuse and certain forms of neglect are all crimes and grounds for civil liability of the abuser. California Penal Code § 368 and Cal. Welf. & Inst. Code […]

Alameda County Elder Abuse And Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Do Something About Neglect And Abuse Of Older Loved Ones And Neighbors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Elderly May Be Victims Of Various Forms Of Abuse How You May Be Able To Spot Neglect And Abuse Protections And Remedies For Victims The National Council on Aging says up to five million older Americans are abused yearly, and the annual loss by victims of financial elder abuse is […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged With Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Fraudulent Timesheets For Medicaid Reimbursement Elderly Victim Unaware Of Fraud Six Years Of Fraudulent Timesheets Alleged Dishonest caregivers with access to credit cards and debit cards of their elderly patients may quickly use the cards for unauthorized purchases and withdrawals.  Greedy caregivers may use those cards in stores, […]

Sep 15, 2023 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: Medicare Advantage Plan Provider Agrees To Pay $22,485,000 To Resolve False Claims Act Allegations

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Allegedly Submitted Inaccurate Diagnosis Codes Higher Reimbursement Levels Than Permissible Manager Blows Whistle And Will Receive $3.8 Million Reward Private citizens can bring civil lawsuits on behalf of the government for redress against fraud under the False Claims Act, (“FCA”), 31 U.S.C. § 3729 et seq.  In Fiscal Year […]

Marin Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse Charges Against In-Home Caregiver

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Elderly Victim Unaware Of Financial Abuse Unauthorized Credit Card Purchases Alleged Suspicious Activity Spotted By Victim’s Family Dishonest caregivers with access to credit cards and debit cards of their elderly patients may quickly use the cards for unauthorized purchases and withdrawals.  Greedy caregivers may use those cards in […]

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
Posted By: Terry Kolkey Attorney

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