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Monthly Archives: April 2023

Apr 19, 2023 - Annuities by |

Marin Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Attorney: Why Indexed Annuities Are Unsuitable For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Downsides To Indexed Annuities Surrender/Withdrawal Penalties, Commissions And Fees Participation Rates And Caps Whenever an insurance agent or financial advisor of any kind suggest an indexed annuity for you, be wary, especially if you are retired or nearing retirement.  Evans Law Firm, Inc. generally recommends against deferred annuities […]

Los Angeles/Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Looking For Signs Of Neglect And Elder Abuse Of Older Loved Ones And Friends

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Elder Abuse Comes In Different Forms Looking For Signs Of Neglect And Abuse Safeguarding Older Loved Ones From Abuse And Neglect Elder abuse can be physical, emotional, financial, and verbal; neglect and abandonment are also forms of elder abuse. The National Council on Aging says up to five million older […]

Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Theft Of Social Security And Pension Benefits

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Direct Deposits Allegedly Redirected To Caregiver’s Account Changes Made By Online Access How To Prevent Financial Elder Abuse Whenever a dishonest caregiver gains access to confidential financial information of an elderly person, there is a risk that they will use that information to take as much money from […]

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Power Of Attorney Misuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Civil Penalties And Criminal Charges For Misuse Examples Of Power Of Attorney Misuse Enhanced Remedies For Seniors Financial powers of attorney (POAs) grant full authority over a person’s financial affairs, and medical powers of attorney, known in California as an Advance Health Care Directives (AHCDs), grant authority over […]

Los Angeles/Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Financial Advisor Theft From Elderly Clients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER $6 Million Stolen From Elderly Clients Money Spent By Financial Advisor For Personal Expenses Long Prison Sentence And Restitution Ordered Seniors are potentially financial elder abuse victims from many different directions: by in-home caregivers; insurance agents, trustees, conservators, second spouses, boyfriends or girlfriends, or financial advisors.  Predators may […]

Apr 12, 2023 - Annuities by |

Napa County Financial Elder Abuse And Annuity Attorney: Why Deferred Annuities Are Poor Choices For Older Consumers

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Costly Withdrawal Charges And Contract Fees Interest Crediting Rules Favor Carrier Risk of Loss Of Principal Deferred annuities are contracts where the policy holder makes an upfront premium payment in exchange from an income stream in years to come.  The principle sounds simple enough but in fact deferred […]

Apr 11, 2023 - Annuities by |

California Annuities Attorneys: Nationwide New Heights Fixed Indexed Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company Annuities Nationwide’s New Heights© Fixed Income Annuities J.P. Morgan MOZAIC I and MOZAIC II Investment Strategies Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, part of the Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, issues various types of deferred annuities throughout the State of California.  Nationwide’s deferred […]

Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Accused Of Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 81-Year-Old Victim Victim Entrusted Caregiver To Pay His Bills Authorities Allege Caregiver Stole Thousands The consequences of financial elder abuse on senior victims can be devastating.  Some elderly victims are driven to the brink of homelessness due to lack of funds to pay their rent.  There are instances […]

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