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Yearly Archives: 2021

Apr 30, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

California and Alameda County Whistleblower Attorney: California False Claims Act Cases And Rewards

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Blowing The Whistle On Fraud Against California How A California Whistleblower Case Works Protections Against Retaliation Individuals who blow the whistle on fraud against the State of California are eligible for a reward if the State recovers money from the company committing the fraud. Cal. Gov’t Code § […]

Apr 29, 2021 - Annuities by |

Los Angeles Financial Elder Abuse and Annuity Attorneys: Fixed Indexed Annuities And Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Seniors And Fixed Indexed Annuities High Commissions, Fees, And Surrender Penalties Policy Exchanges As Taxable Events Deferred annuities are complex insurance products.  Carriers that issue the products pay handsome sales commissions to the agents who sell the products to consumers.  With old consumers especially, an agent may propose […]

Orange County and Los Angeles CFTC Whistleblower Attorney: Allegations of False, Misleading or Inaccurate Reporting and Wash Trading in Digital Assets

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER CFTC Fines Digital Asset Exchange Operator $6.5 Million Civil Penalty CFTC Alleges Fraud In Operations of Trading Platform The U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) polices the options and commodities markets in the U.S and the digital asset/cryptocurrency market. As part of the CFTC’s enforcement tools, the 2010 […]

Los Angeles and Orange County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Financial Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse By Conservators And Other Fiduciaries

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Court-Appointed Fiduciaries Wield Great Power What Can Go Wrong And Potential For Abuse Of Power  Court-appointed conservators and other fiduciaries (such as guardians or trustees) wield enormous power over the dependent individuals and properties they are appointed to manage and protect.  Court appointments supersede earlier Powers of Attorney, […]

California Elder Abuse Attorney Ingrid M. Evans Speaks Out On Financial Elder Abuse On The Attorney Post

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Ingrid M. Evans On Financial Elder Abuse And Fraud Financial Exploitation of Seniors By Caretakers, Insurance Agents And Others The founder of Evans Law Firm, Inc., Ingrid M. Evans, was recently interviewed on The Attorney Post on the subject of financial elder abuse.  From the very beginning of […]

Apr 23, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

Marin County Whistleblower Attorney: Supreme Court Declines To Resolve Important False Claims Act Question

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER At Issue: Legal Standard Of “False” Lower Courts Divided On Issue Despite Uncertainties, False Claims Act Cases Increase Individuals with knowledge of fraud against the government are entitled by law to bring cases (known as qui tams) on behalf of the government against corporations defrauding the government.  These […]

Apr 21, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

Los Angeles Whistleblower Attorney: Pharmacist Kickbacks For Prescriptions Alleged

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Unlawful Kickbacks For Drug Prescriptions Alleged Luxury Goods, A New Car, And Cash Allegedly Used As Bribes Expensive Medications Neither Necessary Nor Dispensed Kickbacks for medical services and medications are against the law.  Anti-Kickback Statute, 42 U.S.C. § 1320a-7b. When the underlying services or drugs are paid for […]

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415-441-8669 888-50EVANS

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"I highly recommend Ingrid and her law firm. If you are looking for an attorney who is a great listener, a compassionate advocate and who really knows the law, this should be your first stop."
Posted By: Phil Blank

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