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Yearly Archives: 2021

Napa Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Charged With Theft Of Over $600,000 From A Number Of Senior Victims

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Allegedly Targeted Several Elder Victims String of Abuse And Theft Allegedly Totals Over $600,000 Forged Checks, Identity Theft And Money Transfers Caregiver theft in the home sadly is becoming more and common. The rapidly growing elderly population are staying in their homes, allowing essentially strangers into their […]

Aug 22, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

California And San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: Rehab to Pay $2 Million to Resolve False Claims Act Allegations

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Accusations Of Unnecessary Rehabilitation Therapy Services 11 Skilled Nursing Facilities Involved Former Program Director Was Whistleblower  According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services improper payments for Medicare and Medicaid services totaled $25.74 billion in 2020 alone.  Often, the payments were made by the government for services […]

San Mateo County Elder Abuse Attorney: Hospice Patients’ Rights And Recourse For Neglect Or Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Hospice Patient Rights Examples Of Neglect Of Hospice Patients Checking The Track Record Of Hospice Agencies  Medicare patients who elect hospice care are an especially vulnerable population. They have the right to be free from abuse, neglect, mistreatment, and misappropriation of patient property. When hospices cause harm or […]

San Diego Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: California And FINRA Accuse Insurance Agent Of Swindling Elder Investors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Civil Complaint Alleges Older Victims Lost Life Savings Agent Allegedly Sold Unregistered Promissory Notes FINRA Bars Defendant As Registered Financial Advisor Financial elder abuse by financial advisors, brokers, and insurance agents may be a one-time sale or unauthorized trade or it can be a sustained scheme taking more […]

Aug 19, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

Orange County False Claims Whistleblower Attorney: Manufacturer of Defective Heart Devices Settles False Claims Act Case for $27 Million

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Five-Year-Old Case Settles Defendant Sold Allegedly Faulty Defibrillators Manufacture Allegedly Made False Statements To FDA The submission of fraudulent claims for reimbursement under government healthcare programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, VA and health programs covering government workers like TRICARE, constitute the largest form of fraud against the federal […]

California and San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Holding Attorneys Responsible For Changing Estate Plans Of Incompetent Clients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Changing Estate Plans When Senior Lacks Capacity Holding Attorneys Accountable Individuals create trusts to hold their assets to avoid a lengthy probate process following death and make sure their estate passes to their spouse or children or grandchildren or other beneficiaries of their own choosing.  Typically, these trust […]

Alameda County Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Arrest For Misuse of Powers of Attorney

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Agent Allegedly Stole $300,00 From Two Dementia Patients  Victims Were Residents Of Assisted Care Facility  Agent Left Victim Bills Unpaid, Threatening Their Eviction Powers of Attorney (POAs) are incredibly important – and powerful – legal instruments.  Sometimes, they are absolutely essential when the principal needs their appointed agent […]

Aug 16, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco False Claims Whistleblower Attorney: False Claims Act Case Against Private Equity Group Heads Toward Trial

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Court Denies Summary Judgment For Defendants Private Equity Group’s Possible Liability For Portfolio Company Acts Positive Result For Whistleblowers Healthcare fraud is the largest kind of fraud against the government.  Increasingly, healthcare providers are owned by private equity groups.  The companies owned by private equity groups are often […]

Contra Costa County Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Fraud And Credit Card Theft

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver And Husband Accused Of Credit Card Theft Alleged Spending Spree With Bedridden Victim’s Cards Victim A 71-Year-Old Cerebral Palsy Patient Confined To Bed Unscrupulous caregivers strike quickly if they can access cash, checks, ATM cards, credit cards, and jewelry.   The theft may start out relatively small with […]

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
Posted By: Terry Kolkey Attorney

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