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Monthly Archives: June 2021

California and San Francisco CFTC Whistleblower and Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: CFTC, Financial Elder Abuse, And Gold Scams

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER CFTC Charges Individual And Firm With Precious Metals Fraud Gold And Silver Scams Often Target Older Investors Financial Elder Abuse And Whistleblower Cases Precious metal dealers entice investors by promising to fulfill orders for silver or gold and actually deliver the metals to the investors.  Often the promised […]

Los Angeles and Orange County Elder Abuse Attorneys: What To Do If You Suspect Elder Abuse Of Loved Ones Or Neighbors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Elder Abuse Takes Many Forms Physical, Emotional, Sexual, Financial Or Harmful Neglect Massive Increase In Reports of Abuse During Pandemic We have seen a massive increase in the incidents of elder abuse of all kinds, especially financial elder abuse, during the pandemic.  According to the National Center on […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Financial Advisor Admits Stealing $600,000 From Elderly Client

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Registered Broker Admits Stealing From 73-Year-Old Client Allegedly Convinced Client To Open Joint Account Unauthorized Withdrawals Over Two-Year Period Fraud against older investors by their financial advisors and brokers has become an all too frequent occurrence in recent years.  Unscrupulous advisors use an older client’s memory problems, loss […]

California, Los Angeles and San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2021

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER World Elder Abuse Awareness Day 2021 Staying In Touch More Important Than Ever Post-Pandemic Steps For Protecting Seniors Today, June 15, is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.  World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) was launched on June 15, 2006 by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder […]

San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Dangers of Fixed Indexed Annuities For Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Understand How Complex Deferred Annuities Are Fixed Indexed Annuities Are Particularly Complex Avoid Suggestions To Replace Existing Annuities Sales of any kind of insurance product generate commissions for insurance agents.  Deferred annuities generate commissions as high as 10% so they are a favorite insurance product for agents to […]

California and San Francisco Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Allegedly Steals $1.1 Million From 94-Year-Old Dementia Sufferer

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregiver Allegedly Cashed 126 Checks Off Elder’s Account Dissolved A Trust And Gifted Proceeds Allegedly Wrote Check Day After Victim Died Financial elder abuse can strike any senior, rich or poor, male or female, living at home or residing in a care facility.  There are a variety of […]

San Francisco and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregiver Allegedly Steals From Multiple Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Alleged Caregiver Theft  Of Jewelry, Gold And Valuables Multiple Victims According To Police  Theft Risk From In-Home And Facility Caregivers Many older people maintain their independence right up until the end of life.  But that is not the case for most – most seniors will require some kind […]

San Francisco and Bay Area Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse Allegations Of Account Mismanagement

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER 76-Year-Old Customer Alleged Account Mismanagement Charges Of Financial Abuse, Negligence And Breach of Fiduciary Duty  FINRA To Arbitrate Dispute Financial elder abuse strikes seniors from a number of directions – caregivers, insurance agents, strangers, scammers, contractors, and financial advisors and stockbrokers to name but a few.  Some forms […]

Jun 7, 2021 - Evans Law Firm by |

San Francisco and California Whistleblower Attorney: Pharmaceutical Company Settles False Claims And Kickback Allegations For $12.6 Million

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Suit Alleged Three Years Of Illegal Kickbacks Covering Patient Co-Pays For Medications Former Executive Will Receive $3.59 Million As Reward Fraud within the healthcare industry continues to be the primary form of fraud against the government.  The government, and private individuals suing on behalf of the government, rely […]

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"I contacted Attorney Ingrid Evans for advice about a financial elder abuse case. She was extremely knowledgeable, bright and informative. I highly recommend her. I am an attorney myself, and know when I am talking to a another excellent attorney."
Posted By: Terry Kolkey Attorney

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