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Yearly Archives: 2019

Dec 20, 2019 - Evans Law Firm by |

California and San Francisco Whistleblower Attorney: False Claims, Kickbacks and Illegal Healthcare Referrals

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Illegal Kickbacks and Payments for Patient Referrals The Anti-Kickback Statute and False Claims Act Suit Large Whistleblower Reward The FBI estimates that fraud under the federal government’s Medicare and Medicaid programs amounts to $75 billion to $250 billion every year. Each year, individual whistleblowers help the government recoup […]

Dec 19, 2019 - Evans Law Firm by |

Marin and California Life Insurance and Annuities Attorney: Voya Indexed Universal Life Insurance

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Voya Indexed Universal Life Insurance Products Voya’s Index Credit Accumulation Riders (ICAR) Evans Law Firm, Inc. represents clients who have suffered losses on all types of life insurance and annuity contracts, including equity indexed universal life insurance. Voya Financial, Inc., a financial conglomerate that targets retirement investments, issued […]

Marin and California Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys: Physical Abuse and Overmedication in Nursing Homes and Assisted Care Facilities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Dementia Patients Particularly Vulnerable Another Grave Risk: Anti-Psychotic Drugs Horrifying news of physical abuse and overmedication of nursing home and assisted living facility residents continue to come in from all around the United State and California.  In one recent report, facility staff routinely slapped, threatened and punched a […]

Dec 17, 2019 - Estate Planning by |

California Estate Planning and Elder Abuse Attorneys: The Importance of Having an Estate Plan, Will, and Power of Attorney in Place

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Estate Plans Are All About Protecting Loved Ones Keep Your Plan Current The Importance of Powers of Attorney Estate planning is all about protecting your and your loved ones as you age. Revocable Living Trust arrangements and Powers of Attorney can protect you while you’re alive but no […]

Dec 16, 2019 - Annuities by |

San Francisco and California Annuity and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Avoid The Rush To Risky Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Downsides to Variable and Indexed Annuities Know the Risks Before You Buy Insurance industry figures show sales of variable and indexed annuities have increased in the past few months. Our litigators recommend against variable and indexed annuities for any consumers, especially seniors. All annuities are complicated and risky, […]

Dec 15, 2019 - Annuities by |

California and San Francisco Annuity Attorneys: Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company Fixed Indexed Annuities

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company Annuities Nationwide’s New Heights and High Point Fixed Indexed Annuities Nationwide Life and Annuity Insurance Company, part of the Nationwide Mutual Insurance Group, issues fixed indexed annuities in California and throughout the United States under the trade names Nationwide New Heights©, Nationwide […]

Alameda County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Caregivers Prey on Dementia Patients

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Caregivers Can Manipulate Vulnerable Seniors Many Victims Never Know What’s Happening To Them Financial elder abuse is a growing crime throughout the Bay Area. Here in Alameda County authorities report a spike in financial elder abuse crimes while other forms of elder abuse have decreased.  The financial elder […]

Marin County and California Financial Elder Abuse Attorney: Financial Elder Abuse Mounting

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Older The Victim, The Greater The Average Loss Financial Elder Abuse Can Strike Any Senior Even Conservators Can Commit Financial Elder Abuse Seniors in Marin and throughout California are increasingly victims of financial elder abuse more than any other form of elder abuse.   Caregivers, insurance agents, financial […]

Dec 11, 2019 - Annuities by |

San Francisco and California Annuity and Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys: Avoid Annuities in Retirement Plans

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER The Downsides to Annuities in Retirement Plans Consider Other Tax-Deferred Options Risks to Seniors Our litigators recommend against annuities because commissions, fees and surrender penalties reduce returns and make it expensive to get your money out if you need it. We especially advise against any such investment for […]

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"After a year of frustration working with the insurance husband and I contacted Evans Law Firm. What a relief...within a month we had come to a resolution that was exceptable by all parties...THANK YOU EVANS LAW FIRM!"
Posted By: Linda Dieringer

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