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Monthly Archives: May 2016

May 20, 2016 - Uncategorized by |

San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: Credit Fraud

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER By Guest Blogger Shirley Krohn, Senior Assemblymember at California Senior Legislature This Can’t Happen to Me!…..Really? As an aging advocate, and a presenter of information to seniors on how they can protect themselves from financial fraud, I was not prepared for having this happen to me. But it […]

May 11, 2016 - Bay Area by |

San Mateo Insurance Fraud Attorneys: Life Insurance

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Unclaimed Property in Life Insurance Policy Usually, insurers do not have to research whether the insured passed away and give the payment to the beneficiary. But in the case of annuities, insurance companies routinely check the social security death database, and when one of their annuitants has died, […]

May 9, 2016 - Bay Area by |

San Mateo Consumer Attorney: Baby Powder Lawsuit

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Johnson & Johnson settles baby powder cancer lawsuit for $72 million In a major consumer rights case, where a woman with ovarian cancer alleged that her condition was due to the use of Johnson & Johnson talcum based products, including baby powder and Shower to Shower, the defendants […]

May 7, 2016 - Bay Area by |

San Francisco Elder Abuse Attorney: FINRA Rules

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER New FINRA Rules aim to protect victims of Financial Elder Abuse FINRA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, is planning to roll out a new set of rules aimed at curbing the financial abuse of elders, which has become an increasing problem in the last few decades. Theft, scams, […]

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"After a year of frustration working with the insurance husband and I contacted Evans Law Firm. What a relief...within a month we had come to a resolution that was exceptable by all parties...THANK YOU EVANS LAW FIRM!"
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