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Yearly Archives: 2015

Feb 6, 2015 - Bay Area by |

Growing Population and Elder Abuse in California

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER According to the Administration of Aging, (AoA) elder abuse is the knowing, intentional, or negligent act by anyone that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult. Elder abuse can come in many forms such as abandonment, neglect, physical, financial, and emotional abuse. There […]

Feb 3, 2015 - Blog by |

The Rise of Financial Elder Abuse

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Seniors have increasingly become a target of many crimes. As elders get older, their ability to make smart financial decisions become tougher. As a result, elders will often fall prey to financial elder abuse. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, financial elder abuse is the illegal […]

Index Life Insurance Policies are Highly Problematic for Seniors

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Index Universal Life insurance policies are long-term, fixed investments. As the name suggests, it is a permanent life insurance product. Universal life insurance policies are said to guarantee payments to beneficiaries, once the policy holder dies. AXA Equitable Life, Penn Mutual Life, Midland National, Lincoln Financial, Pacific Life, […]

Jan 27, 2015 - Class Action by |

Whistleblowing Continues To Be A Success

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Whistleblowers are individuals or groups that report about possible wrongdoings of a particular organization or company. Often times, whistleblowing involves an employee reporting employer misconduct that is illegal, unethical, or against public policy. Approximately 1400 whistleblowers have filed qui tam lawsuits in the last two years, and have […]

Jan 26, 2015 - Class Action by |

2015: The Year of IRS Phone Scams

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER Before filing your 2015 tax returns, all taxpayers should prevent themselves from succumbing to fraudulent phone scams. There have been a number of cases where individuals have received calls from representatives claiming to be employees from the IRS (Internal Revenue Services) According to the TIGTA, (Treasury Inspector General […]

Residents’ Bill of Rights

In 1987, the Nursing Home Reform Law passed through the federal government, issuing a standard “bill of rights” for all elderly residents of nursing homes across the country. While these rights can help older residents who may fear financial or physical abuse in a nursing home, they are not widely […]

Jan 16, 2015 - Elder Abuse by |

Elder Abuse Is Not Strictly Physical

ATTORNEY NEWSLETTER When it comes to elder abuse, oftentimes, one might think that it is purely physical. However, the elder population also fall prey to financial abuse. It is important to break the misconception that senior citizens only experience financial abuse from strangers. In fact, most elder financial abuse cases […]

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